The Long Island Sound Habitat Restoration Initiative technical manual and annual reports are designed to provide basic information about specific habitats as well as restoration strategies for people interested in planning and pursuing restoration projects. Topics covered include ecological descriptions of the plant and animal communities associated with the habitat, the natural history and effects of human influence on the habitat, and the state of the science in restoring the habitat. The annual reports provide year by year descriptions of completed projects along the Sound.
The manual was published in 2003, and is available for download as a pdf document.
The manual is also available by chapter (see below). It includes additional chapters on Riverine Migratory Corridors, Natural Shellfish Beds, and Coastal Forests, and annual reports of completed projects through 2010. Completed projects can also be viewed on the website’s [intlink id=”habitat-restoration-database” type=”page”]habitat restoration database[/intlink].