Concrete Plant Park
The Bronx River has been the site of multiple restoration projects in recent years, including the 7-acre Concrete Plant Park, south of the Bronx Zoo. As pictured, the Bronx River Alliance Conservation Crew and volunteers in August 2007 placed coconut fiber mats planted with plugs of marsh cordgrass along the banks of the Bronx River at the site of a former concrete mixing plant, now owned by New York City. This .07-acre portion of the overall project cost $150,000. Restoration of the area began in 2001, and when completed, will reestablish 2.7 acres of salt marshes on a riverbank once covered with trash and tires. Project partners include New York City Parks and Recreation’s Natural Resources Group, the Bronx River Alliance, New York State OPRHP, and US Rep. Jose Serrano, who helped bring federal funds to the project.