We use the Sound for so many fun activities—boating, fishing, hiking, swimming, and picnicking, just to name a few. As users, it is our responsibility to make sure that we are using the Sound in a responsible and sustainable way; so many generations to come can also enjoy this incredible natural resource. Read below for ways that you can do your part to restore and protect Long Island Sound.
Trash in the water or on beaches is not a welcome sight for beach-goers, boaters, or swimmers. Worse, trash can choke or poison wildlife. In 2007, six million pounds of trash were collected on beaches during the International Coastal Cleanups! We all must do our part to keep our neighborhoods and beaches clean.
Boaters enjoy the Sound but can also have a serious effect on it. Make sure, if you are a boater, you are using this resource in a responsible way.
Be sure to fish in a manner that is responsible and sustainable so there will be plenty of fish for years to come!
Long Island Sound is home to lots of wildlife, including over 120 species of fish!
Tidal wetlands, or salt marshes, are fascinating grasslands between land and sea that form an important link to adjacent estuaries.
Get outside and enjoy Long Island Sound! Whether you like to fish, boat, bird watch, or swim at the beach, Long Island Sound has many fun recreational opportunities for all ages to enjoy!