The Long Island Sound Seaweed Bioextraction Symposium, held virtually over two days from May 18-19, 2022, brought together speakers and participants to discuss opportunities and challenges for a bioextraction industry within Long Island Sound. Speakers included researchers, regulators, extension specialists and more from within the Sound, throughout New England, and Alaska and South Korea who presented on topics including cultivation, uses of harvested materials, regulations, and economics.
Over 80 people, including a number of international participants, attended this Symposium, which was coordinated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and NEIWPCC. The Symposium highlighted the important work going on locally related to seaweed and seaweed bioextraction. The final session of the Symposium was an open forum for attendees to identify next steps for the Long Island Sound Study Bioextraction Initiative.
Videos of the Symposium’s five sessions are available on YouTube. They can be accessed below along with other meeting materials.
Long Island Sound Seaweed Symposium Agenda
Speaker Biographies
Recordings from the May 2022 Long Island Sound Seaweed Bioextraction Symposium:
Session 1 – An overview of research that is currently being done on bioextraction using seaweed, within the Sound and beyond.
View the introductory presentation by Kristen Kraseski, LISS bioextraction coordinator, here.
Session 1 Presenters:
Session 2 – An overview of work being done to look at potential uses of bioextracted materials, and how bioextraction can be used as a training or workforce development tool in urban areas.
Session 2 Presenters:
Session 3 –An overview of the current and/or potential future regulatory environment around seaweed, how commercial seaweed is being viewed around the Sound, and connections to bioextraction.
Session 3 Presenters:
Sessions 4/5 – An overview of economic projects going on in and around the Sound that will have implications for commercial seaweed production and seaweed bioextraction, and an open forum on how to move bioextraction forward within the Long Island Sound with input from all attendees.
Session 4 Presenters:
Contact [email protected] if you have questions or comments about the symposium.