Executive Steering Committee


The Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is comprised of Policy Committee representatives at the assistant commissioner/division director level. The ESC meets to provide upper-level management engagement in the LISS process and provide direction to the Management Committee on LISS programs and budgets.

Committee Members

  • Javier Laureano, Director, Clean Water Division, EPA Region 2
  • Ken Moraff, Director, Water Division, EPA New England
  • Katie Petronis, Deputy Commissioner, Natural Resources, and James Tierney, Deputy Commissioner, Water Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Graham Stevens, Chief, Bureau of  Water Protection and Land Use Reuse, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

Membership and Function of the Executive Steering Committee

  • Membership is comprised of Policy Committee representatives from the two EPA regions, NYSDEC, and CT DEEP at the assistant commissioner/division director level.
  • The ESC provides upper-level management engagement in the LISS process and ensures a high level of input on LISS policy, programs, and budgets to the Management Committee.
  • The ESC functions to increase communication, understanding, and cooperation among the Policy Committee agencies.
  • The ESC may invite speakers or hear presentations on topics of interest or include other members of the LISS Management Conference (e.g. CAC or STAC co-chairs) as needed to foster its work.
  • The ESC provides advice to the Policy Committee, recommending items for Policy Committee consideration and approval and developing the agenda for Policy Committee meetings.
  • Priority topics for ESC consideration include the development of program priorities, budget allocations, leveraging resources, and building participation in the Management Conference.

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