There are many ways that you can help Long Island Sound, by changing some simple things around your home. Remember, we all affect the Sound: items we put out with the trash or down the drain can eventually end up in Long Island Sound and pollute it. Read below to find out how you can do your part to keep Long Island Sound healthy!
Get your local recycling requirements and make sure you are recycling cans, bottles, and paper whenever possible! Reduce your use of single-use plastics.
Homeowners can significantly reduce the volume of wastewater discharged to home septic systems and sewage treatment plants by conserving water.
Improperly maintained septic systems can contaminate ground water and surface water with nutrients and pathogens.
Hazardous substances from products such as paints, oil, antifreeze, unwanted medicines, and pesticides can end up in drinking water and the Long Island Sound if they are thrown out with the everyday trash.
These items contain hazardous chemicals and should be properly disposed. There are also many materials in these items that can be recycled.
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