“The vision for the Sound is of waters that are clean, clear, safe to swim in, and charged with life. It is a vision of waters nourished and protected by extensive coastal wetlands, by publicly accessible, litter-free beaches and preserves, and of undeveloped islands. It is a vision of abundant and diverse wildlife, of flourishing commercial fisheries, of harbors accessible to the boating community, and of a regional consciousness and a way of life that protects and sustains the ecosystem.” — Vision statement from the 2015 Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP)
To fulfill the vision of a restored and protected Long Island Sound the partner agencies of the Long Island Sound Study in 2015 revised its Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. The Plan seeks to achieve four primary goals under four themes:
Learn More Go to the overview page of the Our Plan section to find out what our partners are doing to implement the CCMP and how our goals are being measured and tracked.
The 2015 CCMP also sets ambitious, but achievable, long-term targets for the Sound. These ecosystem targets are intended to drive progress toward attaining CCMP goals. Measuring, tracking, and reporting environmental indicators of each ecosystem target will provide information to assess progress and refine and adapt management as needed. The ecosystem targets are described below in pdf documents (note: there are no ecosystem targets for theme 4):
1. Ecosystem targets for Clean Waters and Healthy Watersheds
2. Ecosystem targets for Thriving Habitats and Abundant Wildlife
3. Ecosystem targets for Sustainable and Resilient Communities
To fulfill the vision of a restored and protected Long Island Sound the partner agencies of the Long Island Sound Study in 2015 revised its Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. Download the 2015 Management Plan
Implementation Actions (IAs), which help fulfill the outcomes and goals of the CCMP, have been updated for the 2020-2024 planning cycle. Download in the Media Center.
The public summary provides a concise summary of the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. Download Public Summary
The spring 2024 issue of Sound Update is coming soon. To see last year’s review, go to the Media Center where you can find highlights of various clean water, habitat restoration, education, and science projects from Connecticut and New York.
The EPA National Estuary Program Work Plan highlights current and planned Management Plan activities. It is available as a PDF Download in the Media Center.
Read the 1994 CCMP and the updates to the CCMP that were adopted prior to the completion of the 2015 CCMP.
These valuable coastal bodies of water face many threats, including development and the impacts of sea-level rise. In the US, the Long Island Sound, through the Long Island Sound Study, is one of 28 estuaries managed through EPA’s National Estuary Program to safeguard the health of these ecosystems.