Communications, Outreach, and Engagement Work Group

Transforming and Renaming the Work Group

The Public Involvement and Education Work Group (PIE) was transformed and renamed to the Communications, Outreach, and Engagement Work Group (COE) in March 2023. This new work group aims to encourage deeper and wider collaboration across the full diversity of Sound communities in support of the Long Island Sound Study’s mission to conserve, restore, and sustain the Sound and its magnificent aquatic and shoreline resources.


Join us for our first meeting scheduled for April 27, 2023! We are looking for non-formal educators, outreach professionals, and communications specialists from organizations and community groups whose work aligns with that of LISS: to support conserving the Long Island Sound watershed and connecting audiences to it.

For more information please contact:

Lillit Genovesi, New York Sea Grant
Long Island Sound Study Outreach Coordinator – New York City and Westchester County


The purpose of the COE (Communications, Outreach, and Engagement) work group is to connect the people living in the Long Island Sound watershed to the Long Island Sound estuary through communications, outreach, and engagement to improve environmental awareness, knowledge, stewardship, and equal access to the local environment.


  • Restructure the work group to better support LISS initiatives and goals 
  • Develop a Public Perception Survey 
  • Increase the amount and frequency of communications products
  • Increase public access to the Sound by adding, identifying, and publicizing access sites to the Sound and tributaries, addressing barriers to access, encouraging more accessible public transportation, etc. 


  • Connect people living in the Long Island Sound watershed to the Long Island Sound estuary through communications, outreach, and engagement to improve environmental awareness, knowledge, stewardship, and equal access to the local environment. 
  • Increased diversity and inclusion of participants in outreach programs and opportunities by development and implementation of the EJ Needs Assessment.
  • Inform the public about the health of Long Island Sound and the work of the Long Island Sound Study and its partners to restore and protect Long Island Sound.
  • Engage citizens to join in efforts to restore and protect the Sound, through individual behavior change that leads to improved environmental practices, and volunteering in outreach, citizen science, and habitat restoration projects.

Work Group Co-Chairs

Lillit Genovesi, New York Sea Grant

Margaret Cozens, CT Sea Grant