Long Island Sound Research Conference
The Long Island Sound Foundation is accepting abstracts from scientists who want to give presentations at the 2010 Long Island Sound research conference—Long Island Sound; A Regional Perspective. The application deadline is Sept. 1.
Since 1992, the Long Island Sound Foundation has sponsored nine Long Island Sound research conferences, in cooperation with the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs. The purpose throughout the years has been to bring scientists, researchers, and academia together from around the region to present both oral and poster presentations on their findings as they relate to Long Island Sound. This year’s conference will be held on Oct. 29 and Oct. 30 at University of Connecticut’s Stamford campus
For further Information about how to send an abract and about registering for the conference, call Susan McNamara, the Foundation’s executive director, at 860-405-9166 or e-mail her at susan.mcnamara@uconn.edu