International Coastal Cleanup
Calling all volunteers – it’s time to clean up our coast!
Save the Sound in Connecticut and the New York Chapter of the American Littoral Society are once again coordinating Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) in the Long Island Sound region. On Saturday, September 17, and over the next two months, there will be dozens of coastal cleanup events across Connecticut and New York on foot, by boats, and even underwater. Last year Save the Sound and the Littoral Society brought together more than 4,800 volunteers, who removed nearly 130,000 pounds of trash from 135 miles of beach and riverfront.
This year, we hope to get even more volunteers involved. Hurricane Irene left an extraordinary amount of marine debris along our coastlines. more than ever, our shorelines and waterways, and the living things that call them home, need the helping hands of volunteers.
To find a coastal cleanup near you in Connecticut , go to Save the Sound’s events page, and in New York go to the ALSNYC website.
If you know of a stretch of shoreline that needs help and would like to organize a cleanup of your own in Connecticut, Save the Sound can help. Please email Kierran Broatch at<>