Long Island Sound Futures Fund Technical Assistance Workshop
The Long Island Sound Futures Fund makes grants totaling close to $1 million every year to protect and restore the Long Island Sound and its watershed. The Fund supports programs to involve communities in improving the Long Island Sound, innovative water quality improvements such as rain gardens and permeable pavers, restoring land in parks and open spaces within the LIS Watershed.
The next grants cycle will be announced in March, 2015. This workshop is designed to help Westchester municipalities and nonprofits working in the Long Island Sound watershed learn to successfully apply for and receive grants from the Long Island Sound Futures Fund. Presenters will provide an overview of eligibility and guidelines for the Fund and then be available to meet individually to discuss your ideas or proposed project.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
10:00 am to 12 noon
Town of Mamaroneck Courtroom
740 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, New York
Register Here
Who should attend: municipal officials, volunteers, nonprofit agencies.
Presenters: Lynn Dwyer, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Victoria O’Neill and Cassie Bauer, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Amy Mandelbaum and Eileen Keenan, New York Sea Grant
This workshop is sponsored by the Long Island Sound Study, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Sustainable Westchester, and the Westchester Community Foundation.
Additional LISFF workshops in CT and NY and an online webinar are upcoming in March 2015.