On April 13 and April 15, EPA will be holding public meetings in Connecticut and New York present details on its proposed Long Island Sound Nitrogen Strategy and to welcome feedback on the approach. Each meeting will include a 30 minute presentation with up to 60 minutes for questions and comments.
The meetings will be held at the Stamford Government Center on April 13 and the Huntington Town Hall on April 15, both from 2-3:30 p.m. See the LISS events page for more information.
EPA is proposing a strategy to aggressively continue progress on reducing nitrogen pollution and achieve water quality standards throughout Long Island Sound (LIS) and its embayments and near shore coastal waters. The strategy recognizes that more work must be done to reduce nitrogen levels, further improve dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions, and address other nutrient-related impacts in Long Island Sound. The nitrogen reduction strategy complements the 2000 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) developed by the states of Connecticut and New York by continuing work to attain water quality standards for DO in the open waters of LIS, while expanding the focus to include other nutrient-related adverse impacts to water quality, such as loss of eelgrass, that affect many of embayments and near shore coastal waters of LIS.
See http://longislandsoundstudy.net/issues-actions/water-quality/nitrogen-strategy/ for details on the strategy.