Futures Fund Marks 15 Years of Successful Grantmaking to Restore and Protect Long Island Sound

What program has helped to add 105 river miles for fish passage, restore 773 acres of critical fish and wildlife habitat, treat 200 million gallons of pollution, and educate and engage three million people about Long Island Sound restoration efforts over the past 15 years?
The answer is the Long Island Sound Futures Futures Fund. The Long Island Sound Study created the annual competitive grant program in 2005 with management support from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. It provides support to local organizations, municipalities, and universities to develop environmental projects that help to fulfill the objectives of the Long Island Sound Comprehensive and Conservation Management Plan to restore and project the Sound. Recently, NFWF published a report highlighting some of the best projects over the past 15 years. The descriptions include photographs that illustrate how these actions have provided a healthier environment for the millions of people who live around the Sound.
The report is available on the LISS media center website.
In December, NFWF and LISS also announced the largest grant award in the history of the program – $3.8 million for 38 grants. Descriptions of the 2020-funded projects, which will be implemented this year, are available on the LISS grants page.