See Events & Meetings web page for announcements of upcoming committee meetings for MC, STAC, CAC, and HRSWG.
The Habitat Restoration and Stewardship Work Group (HRSWG) is responsible for promoting the conservation, restoration, management, and appreciation of the Long Island Sound Study’s priority coastal habitats, wildlife, and Stewardship Areas through an improved understanding of current threats and conservation priorities.
Harry Yamalis, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental
DeAva Lambert, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental
Vacant, NEIWPCC/New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Note: In September 2014 the Habitat Restoration Work Group and the Stewardship Work Group were combined to form the Habitat Restoration and Stewardship Work Group.
The Habitat Restoration and Stewardship Work Group members focuses on projects to make progress toward achieving the outcomes and goals of the Thriving Habitats and Abundant Wildlife theme of the Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. Learn more about the theme inĀ “Our Plan.”
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