Funding the Plan

Long Island Sound Study funding to implement the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) has increased since 2016, reaching $62.8 million in 2024. The increased funding has resulted in more projects on the ground, improving the health of Long Island Sound. Each year, the LISS Management Conference develops a work plan to implement projects for the CCMP based on appropriations approved by Congress. The work plan budget shows how the funding is distributed to LISS partners as grants to be used for ongoing projects and programs, including the Long Island Sound Futures Fund, the Long Island Sound Bioextraction Initiative, the Long Island Sound Water Quality Monitoring Program, and the Long Island Sound Study Research Grant Program.

The Long Island Sound Study is established under Sections 320 and 119 of the federal Clean Water Act, which also authorizes funding for the program through EPA. The LISS receives funding under these authorizations.

EPA Geographic Program

In 2024, LISS received $40,002,000 under section 119 of the Clean Water Act as an EPA Geographic Program. EPA administers 12 Geographic Programs, which are  long-standing, geographic specific programs that help protect local ecosystems and communities from storm damage and other extreme weather events, habitat loss, and pollution.

National Estuary Program

In 2024, the LISS received $850,000 under section 320 of the Clean Water Act through the National Estuary Program. The National Estuary Program (NEP) is an EPA place-based program to protect and restore the water quality and ecological integrity of estuaries of national significance. Currently, 28 estuaries located along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts and in Puerto Rico are designated as estuaries of national significance.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

On November 6, 2021, Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-58) (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law or BIL), to enhance the nation’s infrastructure and resilience. The BIL funds, for the first year (2022) of a five-year period, include $909,800 in NEP allocations under section 32o of the Clean Water Act, and $21,000,000 under section 119 of the Clean Water Act. In total, LISS will be receiving $106,000,000 under section 119 for a five-year period (FY 2022-2026).

Match and Leveraging Funding

Grant recipients under the Geographic Program appropriation must meet matching fund requirements—40 percent for implementation projects and five percent for education and outreach projects. For example, a $60,000 grant requires $40,000 in matching funds. Grant recipients under the National Estuary Program authorization must meet match requirements of 50 percent for all projects. In 2024 grant recipients provided $19,991,953 in matching funds. Through the BIL initiative, the LISS has developed an Equity Strategy which allows for match waivers.

In addition to matching fund requirements the states and municipalities provide additional funds for projects to implement the Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, LISS has taken the opportunity of guaranteed funding and waived match to fund multi-year projects through FY24, such as NYSDEC WQIP and MassDEP wastewater treatment plant upgrades, that began in FY22.

Program Activities – 2024

The LISS budget is organized into the nine Program Activities and three BIL Activities outlined below; the FY2024 LISS budget breakdown by Program Activity is:

Geographic and NEP ActivitiesAmount
Water Quality Planning and Implementation$2,202,002
Habitat Restoration and Protection$6,508,410
Public Education and Outreach$2,172,087
Stewardship and Resiliency$2,782,087
Implementation Assistance$12,650,000
BIL Authorization ActivitiesAmount
Strong Communities$8,634,262
Healthy Ecosystems$3,409,800
Clean Water Infrastructure$8,500,000

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