
The Long Island Sound Study and its partners offer multiple grant opportunities to help fund water quality improvement, education and outreach, restoration, and research projects of all sizes around Long Island Sound.

‘Grants at a Glance’ and Grant Writing Assistance Opportunities

A wide variety of funding programs exist to benefit Long Island Sound. They award grants to promote research, implement environmental projects, and increase the public’s awareness, understanding, and enjoyment of Long Island Sound. There also is a program to help applicants who need grant writing assistance. Learn More

Long Island Sound Study-Sponsored Grant Programs

Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund

A new grant program, sponsored by Restore America’s Estuaries, the Long Island Sound Study, and the EPA that seeks to support communities that are overburdened by pollution. Learn More

Long Island Sound Futures Fund

A partnership of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Long Island Sound Study, is to support projects that restore and protect the health and living resources of Long Island Sound. Learn More

Long Island Sound Grant Writing Assistance Program

A new grant program, led by the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs, which provides municipalities and community organization with funding for grant writing support to help apply for sustainable and resilience-focused projects. Learn More

Long Island Sound Study Research Grant Program

A cooperative effort of the Long Island Sound Study, Connecticut Sea Grant, and New York Sea Grant that supports the LISS Research Program by funding scientific research that helps decision-makers to improve the management of Long Island Sound.  Learn More

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