Grants and Grant Writing Assistance Opportunities
Municipalities and Community Organizations! See the sidebar for information on obtaining support for resilience planning and grant writing.
Agencies participating in the Long Island Sound Study promote research, implementation of environmental projects, and increased public involvement through competitive grant programs. Grant application periods open and close frequently. The following highlights some of the leading grant programs.
‘Grants at a Glance’
Connecticut Nonpoint Source (Section 319) Grant Program (CT DEEP)
Provides grants for projects to control nonpoint sources of water pollution, with emphasis on implementation projects that address a documented nonpoint source-related water quality impairment identified on Connecticut’s list of impaired waterbodies.
Contact: Visit the CT DEEP Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Management web page to learn more.
Connecticut Clean Vessel Act Grant Program (CT DEEP)
The purpose of the program is to increase the availability of proper waste handling facilities for boaters (known as Marine Sewage Disposal Facilities or MSDFs). Increased use of MSDFs will reduce the discharge of poorly treated or untreated sanitary wastes into the waters of Long Island Sound and its harbors thereby helping to improve water quality.
Contact: Visit the CT DEEP Clean Vessel Act Program web pages for more information.
Connecticut Sea Grant
Supports a broad range of applied research, education, and extension activities aimed at improving understanding, assessment, use, management, conservation, or restoration of marine and coastal resources.
Contact: Visit Connecticut Sea Grant to learn more or contact Connecticut Sea Grant at 860-405-9128.
Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund
A new grant program, sponsored by Restore America’s Estuaries, the Long Island Sound Study, and the EPA that seeks to support disadvantaged communities that are overburdened by pollution.
Contact: Visit the RAE web page or Contact Shahela Begum at
Long Island Sound Futures Fund
A partnership between the Long Island Sound Study and the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation that provides large grants and mini-grants to organizations working on a local level to protect and restore the health and living resources of Long Island Sound.
Contact: Visit the Long Island Sound Futures Fund web page to learn more or contact Lynn Dwyer at 631-627-3488.
Long Island Sound Study Research Grant Program
A cooperative effort of the Environmental Protection Agency, Connecticut Sea Grant, and New York Sea Grant to fund research that helps meet the needs of decision-makers to improve the management of Long Island Sound.
Contact: Visit LIS Research Grant Program page to learn more.
Long Island Sound Stewardship Fund
Funded through the Long Island Sound Funders Collaborative, the Long Island Sound Stewardship Fund support projects that address pressing challenges and provide for a healthy, productive, and resilient Sound now and into the future. The Stewardship Fund aims to: support nongovernmental organizations working on issues and projects related to the Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan; build stronger NGO’s foster collaboration and innovation around conservation and environmental quality work; and accelerate the “next best step” for proven strategies.
Contact: Visit the Long Island Sound Stewardship Fund website.
New York Sea Grant’s Research Grant Program
Supports scientific research that is driven by identified needs and provides enhanced opportunities for New York Sea Grant to ‘make a difference’ in addressing important coastal issues.
Contact: Visit the New York Sea Grant’s Research Grant Program or contact New York Sea Grant at 631-632-6906.
New York State Water Quality Improvement Project Funding or New York State Assistance for Water Quality Improvement Projects
Provides grants to municipalities throughout New York State for stormwater permit implementation, nonagricultural nonpoint source, water quality management, wastewater treatment improvement, and aquatic habitat restoration.
Contact: Visit the NYSDEC website or call Robert Wither, NYSDEC Division of Water, 518-402-8123.
NYSDEC also has other grant programs that might be of interest to Long Island Sound communities Visit the NYSDEC website for information.