Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund

New Grant Program to Assist Communities in the Sound

The Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund (LISCIF) is agrant program formed by a partnership with Restore America’s Estuaries, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Long Island Sound Study. The purpose of LISCIF is to provide technical and financial assistance to environmentally distressed communities, to address environmental health impacts and to improve the quality and accessibility of the Long Island Sound. Technical assistance will be provided through LISCIF regardless of submitting a proposal.

Alignment with Long Island Sound CCMP

The second round of LISCIF will award competitive funding up to $1,500,00 to projects in the Long Island Sound watershed within the New York and Connecticut portions of the watershed.

The outcomes of project proposals must meet Implementation Actions of the Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP). The CCMP consists of the following themes:

  • Clean Waters and Healthy Watersheds  
  • Thriving Habitats and Abundant Wildlife 
  • Sustainable and Resilient Communities   
  • Sound Science and Inclusive Management   

Eligible projects and activities will be community driven and address challenges/risks faced by communities.

What Projects are Eligible for Funding   

  • Projects that result in quantifiable pollutant prevention or reduction.   
  • Restoring habitat within the Important Coastal Habitat Types targeted by LISS.  
  • Projects that foster a diverse balance and abundant populations of fish, birds, and wildlife.    
  • Public engagement, knowledge and stewardship.  
  • Projects that enhance community resilience and sustainability.   
  • Planning and design that sets–the-stage for implementation of water quality projects, eligible habitat restoration projects and resilience projects.   
  • Community-based science projects.  
  • Data management and integration projects.   
  • Other similar activities that the applicant proposes, and EPA approves consistent with section 119 of the Clean Water Act.  

Stay up to date on LISCIF announcements, including when the first round of requests for proposals will be announced. Join the LISCIF email list (or click the button below)  Check the LISCIF web page for updates on the Restore America’s Estuaries website. Watch LISCIF webinars, trainings, and workshops here

E-mail Sign Up

If you have specific questions about the Fund, please contact the Program Director, Shahela Begum.


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