By Charlotte Burger

(Charlotte also produced a video of her experience, available on YouTube)

Charlotte Burger films Jenna Morrissey of Save the Sound as she conducts water quality sampling in Eastchester Bay, near Co-op City in the Bronx. (Save the Sound photo/Elena Colon)

I can’t remember the last time I saw a sunrise. Soft yellow, bright orange, a hint of pink against the beginnings of a bluebird sky. Today is the perfect day to be out on the water.

I’m tucked onto the tiny, peeling bench of a speed boat next to Elena Colon, an Environmental Analyst for Save the Sound. My camera is strapped to my hand but Elena eyes it warily. “Be ready with that camera, I don’t want it to fall off your hand.” I opened my mouth to reply but we’re already off, boat (and me) bouncing along the wake. Jenna Morrissey, an environmental technician for Save the Sound, and her plus one, her mom, are sitting in the front, water sampling equipment secured at their feet.

Sunrise on the water! Watch Charlotte’s field visit with Elena and Jenna at the video above and find out more about the Unified Water Study.

At 6 am on Oct. 15, 2021, I joined Elena and Jenna on one of their weekly water quality sampling trips in Eastchester Bay in the Bronx. This sampling is part of the Unified Water Study (UWS), a standardized water sampling protocol carried out by a network of community groups and organizations in bays, inlets, and harbors around Long Island Sound. The program is managed by Save the Sound and it was officially launched in 2016. Before then, some local groups did their own water quality monitoring around the Sound, but each had their own procedures. Since people were collecting data differently across the board, it made sharing and comparing data pretty difficult.

Over ten years ago, resource managers and partners at the Long Island Sound Study (LISS) began to identify this need for more coordinated monitoring of the Sound’s bays and inlets. They explored the idea of establishing a community-led program to do it and tasked Save the Sound with developing a program for water quality testing. So, with the support of the Long Island Sound Study, the Unified Water Study as we know today was created.

Unified Water Study 2022 water quality monitoring locations. (Sources: Dr. Jamie Vaudrey and Save the Sound/Save the Sound image)

Back in the boat, I yawn behind my mask flapping in the wind. “Why so early?” I ask Elena. Apparently all the UWS groups have to sample within 3 hours of sunrise because dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the Sound naturally sink lower in the night than the day.  Even though these dips are natural because of reduced photosynthesis, it’s important to know how low those lows are. Overly low dissolved oxygen means hypoxia, which can lead to fish and other aquatic organisms dying off. Ideally, she said, it would be best if they sampled at night to get the most accurate DO reading, but that wouldn’t be too safe!

Jenna hoists the sonde out of the water at the first sample location of the day. (New York Sea Grant photo/Charlotte Burger)
Jenna waits to lower the sonde into the water at the first sample location of the day. (New York Sea Grant photo/Charlotte Burger)

Before I can have too much fun as the speedboat races across the water, we’ve stopped at our first station. Jenna calibrates the sonde — an instrument that measures dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature and more — then drops it off the edge of the boat where it slips easily into the placid water. It’s quiet except for Elena reading out coordinates to Jenna’s mom who is today’s scribe. Watching Jenna hoist the Sonde in and out of the water, I ask Elena what they’re sampling. “Tier 1 and Tier 2!” she says.

The Unified Water Study has two sampling ‘tiers’. Tier 1 focuses on collecting turbidity (water clarity), dissolved oxygen , salinity, temperature, and chlorophyll a (the stuff that gives plants their green color) data, as well as qualitative macrophyte surveys called rake tosses (which are not happening today sadly). Macrophytes are large aquatic plants that grow in order near to water. Every group collects Tier 1 data. Some groups also do Tier 2 sampling, which includes collecting water samples for nutrient analysis, quantitative macrophyte surveys, and continuous data loggers that collect DO, salinity, and barometric pressure data every 15 minutes.

The GPS on the boat shows the location of the first sampling site in Eastchester Bay. (New York Sea Grant photo/Charlotte Burger)

As we move on to the next station, Elena pilots the boat with ease as I bombard her with questions. Most importantly, I want to know how they make sure that the data they collect is trustworthy. She tells me that the parameters that the UWS measures were carefully chosen through their EPA-approved Quality Assurance Project Plan, or QAPP. The QAPP is basically a guide detailing how to collect the water monitoring data along with other quality assurance measures. An important part of the Unified Water Study QAPP are calibrations that occur within 24 hours of sampling. This involves placing the Sonde in standards of known value to check the validity of its sensors. In the end, even if the data is collected, it can’t and won’t be used if it isn’t trustworthy, Elena stresses.

Bubbles form at the surface of Eastchester Bay. (New York Sea Grant photo/Charlotte Burger)

While Elena and I are talking, Jenna points out some gooey, dark green bubbles at the surface of the water. While they may not mean anything, Elena says, they might be indicative of excess algae. Elena elaborates saying chlorophyll a (along with dissolved oxygen) is an important indicator of the amount of nitrogen in the water, one of the biggest pollutants facing the Sound. Chlorophyll a is a substance found in plants and algae that gives them their green color and is representative of algae or plant matter within water. If nitrogen is abundant in a water source, the phytoplankton and algae in the water begin to grow out of control and use up the oxygen, which leads to low levels of oxygen in the water (hypoxia). This whole process is known as eutrophication.

Jenna shows me a filter filled with chlorophyll. In order to collect chlorophyll in the filter, she pumped 100 milliliters of water through a syringe with the filter on top. Then, she dries the filter by pushing air through the same syringe and filter. (New York Sea Grant photo/Charlotte Burger)

But how does nitrogen even get into the Sound? From my own experience sampling water in the Hudson River, nitrogen enters the Sound through sewage overflows as well as tributaries and rivers. It had rained heavily the days before I collected samples from the Hudson and I came face to face with the impacts of combined sewer overflows, which are a huge problem for New York City and the surrounding area. Since NYC has a combined pipe system for commercial and residential sewage as well as regular wastewater, when it rains heavily, this system can overflow. Luckily the system has outfall pipes, but unluckily, they dump the excess sewage directly into the Hudson, East River and the Sound. [JBPV1] Nitrogen also enters the Sound through groundwater, rivers and tributaries that are themselves inundated with nitrogen. The source is commonly old, failing septic systems, but excess fertilizer used on lawns and crops also contributes.

Illustrations of combined sewer systems to waste water treatment plant in dry and wet weather

Apart from the smell, how would you know that sewage was just dumped into the river? This is why water quality monitoring and data collection is so important. Imagine turning on your tap and your water is sludgy brown. Wouldn’t you like to know what’s going on? Data collection can help guide scientists towards the cause of such a problem, and more importantly, the solution. It can also help researchers to understand what they are doing right and how to keep that up. Trustworthy data can also lead to support and funding for projects intended to improve water quality further in the future.

Once a baseline for a body of water or area is established, any impacts of restoration or rehabilitation projects can be assessed against that baseline. This kind of targeted data collection is important. The UWS was essentially created because the bays, inlets, and harbors around the Sound are pretty different from the open Sound waters. These areas are heavily impacted by people and experience a greater variety in depth, current, and nutrient content, which are all factors when thinking about water quality.

Jenna samples water at the innermost sampling location in Eastchester Bay. These water samples will later be analyzed for nutrient-content. (New York Sea Grant photo/Charlotte Burger)

After we pulled back into the dock, Elena showed me how to tie up the boat (it’s harder than it looks!). Then we parted ways. While I headed back into the bustle of the city, Elena and Jenna went upstream to collect water quality data from the Hutchinson, the river that empties out into Eastchester Bay. After that, Elena will go back to the lab, calibrate her instruments, and analyze the data for quality assurance. Next year, the data collected on this trip will be used in the Long Island Sound Report Card, a publication that details the health of the Sound’s waters. What’s interesting is that each bay, harbor, or inlet gets a grade based on the quality of the water. I noticed that Eastchester received an F last year. Though it’s definitely not ideal to get the lowest grade in the book, this means that the Unified Water Study has identified a problem here, which can help scientists and government officials look for a solution.

Charlotte Burger among phragmites at a site visit to Alley Pond in Queens, NY. (New York Sea Grant photo/Jimena Perez-Viscasillas)

Charlotte Burger worked as a Science and Education Communications Intern with New York Sea Grant in 2021. She graduated from Barnard College in 2022 with a degree in Environmental Science and now works as an Environmental Engineering Consultant at NV5. Charlotte’s senior thesis focused on evaluating the success of eelgrass restoration around Long Island Sound. When she’s not working, you can find her on long walks in Central Park, dabbling in science fiction writing, and making cool maps using GIS.

Jennifer Mattei crouches down in field of dead grass to tag a horseshoe crab by hand.
Mattei tagging a horseshoe crab at Long Wharf Harbor in New Haven in 2006 (Photo/Richard Howard for the Long Island Sound Study)

As part of International Horseshoe Crab Day on June 20, Sacred Heart University and Project Limulus will be hosting a horseshoe tagging event and talk in honor of  Jennifer Mattei, a long-time professor at Sacred Heart University who died in December at the age of 62. Mattei’s projects to restore shoreline habitats and protect wildlife, including the horseshoe crab, have played an outsized role in Long Island Sound restoration efforts.

The event will be held at noon at Stratford Point in Stratford, CT, and is part of a series of horseshoe crab events being held in Connecticut this month. They are timed to the season when horseshoe crabs arrive on the beaches from the Sound to spawn. Information about the events, including community monitoring to count horseshoe crab populations, are on the Sacred Heart University website.

Mattei established Project Limulus in the 1990s to conduct research, monitor populations, and raise awareness of the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus in Latin. They are a vitally important species to coastal ecosystems that are older than the dinosaurs, but are now in decline.

Globally, Mattei served as a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Horseshoe Crab Specialists Group working to protect and conserve horseshoe crabs.  Locally, her work at Project Limulus helped in efforts to tag over 98,000 horseshoe crabs to better understand their patterns of movement and track their abundance. She was an early supporter of community science by inviting volunteers to participate in population counts of the horseshoe crabs on local beaches and reporting the tagged horseshoe crabs they saw to Project Limulus. Through this initiative, she also gave public lectures on the importance of the species to the ecosystem to thousands of people.

Several high school students sit at tables and turn to face and listen to a woman wearing a green shirt addressing the group.
On February 22, 2012, a group of Bridgeport High School students visited Sacred Heart University to learn about Project Limulus,.(Photo/Tracy Deer-Mirek)

Mattei  also  was a well-respected teacher at Sacred Heart who played a key role in developing the school’s coastal & marine science major, and she chaired the biology department from 2003 to 2009. She mentored dozens of undergraduate and graduate research students, and recruited many students to participate in her research. Collectively, her students delivered more than 75 presentations at internal, national and regional research conferences and received at least five awards. Many of her students went on to pursue careers in science and education. Citing her roles as a dedicated teacher, Sacred Heart University this year awarded her the status of professor emerita.

“Jennifer was extremely passionate about the conservation and restoration of the natural world and about inspiring and educating the next generation of scientists,” said Jo-Marie Kasinak, a former student of Mattei who is now the director of Project Limulus. “She was a huge supporter of undergraduate research, and developed courses that allowed her students to participate in scientific research and present their findings at local conferences.”

Mattei received her Ph.D in Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook University in 1994. Her first project that received wide attention occurred when she was a postdoctoral researcher at Rutgers University in the 1990s. She was part of a team of scientists to successfully restore coastal woody shrub habitats on top of closed sections of the Fresh Kills landfill in Staten Island, the largest landfill in the U.S. at the time. Mattei continued her Fresh Kills research with a five-year National Science Foundation grant to study the plant and animal interactions at the site after she joined the Sacred Heart faculty in 1997, the same year she started Project Limulus.  

In 2013, Mattei started a new project that bridged a gap between restoring and protecting habitats for wildlife such as horseshoe crabs and responding to the impact of sea level rise and climate change along the coast. With support from a Long Island Sound Futures Fund Grant, Mattei conducted a pilot project to install concrete reef balls just off the shoreline at Stratford Point. The reef balls, which are pocketed with holes, are normally used to mimic natural oyster reefs. They provide a structure for oysters to attach to and grow. But in this project Mattei focused on using the reef balls to dampen the impact of strong waves from eroding the shoreline and drowning a newly planted saltmarsh grass restoration. The project succeeded, indicating that nature-based “living shoreline projects” can be used to adapt to storm surges and higher tides that are likely to occur due to climate change.  Since Mattei initiated the concept more than a dozen living shoreline projects in Connecticut and New York portions of the Long Island Sound watershed have been completed, are underway, or are planned.  

While she published many academic papers, Mattei focused a lot of her attention to educating the public about the beauty of nature near where they lived. In an article that appeared in the fall 2022 Sacred Heart University magazine, Mattei expressed to the magazine’s readers that environmental preservation in the age of climate change impacts should be considered the highest priority for everyone’s involvement. She wrote optimistically that the scientific community will successfully address this problem, but needed the involvement of individuals as well, even if it starts modestly through simple actions such as planting a tree in a backyard.  

“Certain as our dependence on the natural world is, it’s a wonder there is any question over what a priority its preservation should be,” she wrote. “Environmental stewardship is not a hobby or a ‘pet project.’ It’s an existential imperative.”

Kasinak hopes people remember Mattei’s passion for protecting the environment and her tenacity in fighting for what she believed. “She had a way of bringing out the best in those around her and worked to help them reach their full potential,” said Kasinak. “She was instrumental in shaping me into the scientist and educator I am today.”

More on Mattei’s work

Biology Professor Jennifer Mattei at Stratford Point in August 2022 in a photo that appeared in the Sacred Heart University Magazine (Photo/ Tracy Deer-Mirek. Sacred Heart University)Project Limulus | Sacred Heart University

LISS Project Limulus slideshow (a photographer for the Long Island Sound Study spent a day with Mattei and her students to watch horseshoe crab monitoring.

Stratford Point Living Shoreline Project

“Our Natural World” Dr. Mattei’s last article which appeared in the Sacred Heart University magazine.

To honor Dr. Mattei’s legacy, the Sacred Heart University Department of Biology is creating The Jennifer H. Mattei Scholarship for Undergraduate Research. This scholarship will provide undergraduate students with stipends to conduct research in Connecticut with a biology faculty member in the fields of ecology, coastal management and restoration or other biological studies involving Long Island Sound, and to support Project Limulus and related ecological research.  The University is reaching out to the community, through a crowd-funding site, to establish an endowed fund in Jennifer’s memory that will exist in perpetuity.

Partners and speakers at the Suffolk County Long Island Sound Coastal Erosion Forum held May 10, 2023, at the Port Jefferson Village Center.
Left to right: Tom Mohrman (Maidstone Landing Association), Corey Humphrey (Suffolk County Soil & Water Conservation District), Kathleen Fallon (NYSG), Suffolk County Legislator Stephanie Bontempi, Elizabeth Hornstein (NYSG), Village of Port Jefferson Trustee Rebecca Kassay, Mark Lowery (NYSDEC), Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker, Suffolk County Legislator Kara Hahn, Suffolk County Legislator Al Krupski, Barbara Kendall (NYSDOS), Ryan Porciello (NYSDEC), Alexa Fournier (NYSDEC), Sarah Schaefer-Brown (NYSG)

Two forums — one held at Locust Valley Library in Nassau County on May 4 and another at the Port Jefferson Village Center in Suffolk County on May 10 — brought together 90 attendees, including state and local decision makers, municipal state, and other stakeholders, working to address coastal erosion along the Long Island Sound shoreline. 

Participants shared information on best practices, discussed challenges, and identified opportunities to increase resilience, all in an effort to enhance coordination across communities.

Panelists highlighted strategies and options to address coastal erosion, discussed the Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Program, local codes, updated New York State sea level rise projections and more. 

During small group discussions, attendees delved into:

• how to better educate private property owners who live on the shore or who are buying property on the shore

• how county, state and federal agencies can better support municipalities and communities who are dealing with shoreline erosion

• how to balance protecting coastal habitats with protection of coastal communities and infrastructure. 

Over the next few months, organizers will review the feedback from the small group discussions and follow up with partners on next steps.

Hosted by New York Sea Grant and Long Island Sound Study through the Sustainable and Resilient Communities initiative, these forums were made possible thanks to partnerships with Nassau and Suffolk Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Suffolk County Legislators Sarah Anker, Stephanie Bontempi, Kara Hahn, and Al Krupski. They were led by two Long Island Sound Study extension professionals for sustainable and resilient communities: Elizabeth Hornstein and Sarah Schaefer-Brown, both of New York Sea Grant.

For more information about the forums, including requesting the presentations, contact Hornstein, the Suffolk County extension professional at [email protected] or Schaefer-Brown, the Nassau County extension professional, at [email protected].

Sarah Schaefer-Brown welcoming attendees to the Nassau County Long Island Sound Coastal Erosion Forum held May 4, 2023, at the Locust Valley Library.

It’s worth celebrating these plants that serve as important habitat for many wildlife species. Wetland plants such as salt marsh grasses have roots that tolerate and thrive in watery soil, including along the brackish waters of Long Island Sound. They act as a buffer to stormy seas, slow shoreline erosion, and filter pollutants.

Since 1998, the Long Island Sound Study and its partners have restored over 1,100 acres of tidal wetlands. Learn more at the LISS ecosystem targets and supporting indicator microsite.

Wetlands also are an important component of living shoreline projects, which are nature-based solutions to protect coastal areas from the impacts of sea level rise and climate change. Learn about living shoreline projects in Long Island Sound in the Thriving Habitats section of the Long Island Sound Study website or view a living shorelines story map produced by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

Wetlands are both an effective and economical way to enhance community safety while improving quality of life. American Wetlands Month was established in 1991 by EPA and its partners. Find out more why it’s worth celebrating in May or any time of the year on the EPA website.

See the value of wetlands at Sunken Meadow State Park in Long Island

Check Out Virtual Tour of Long Island Sound Habitats and Teacher Webinar

teacher webinar of a virtual tour of Long Island Sound Habitats
The virtual story map tour and recorded webinar includes a section on salt marshes with many educational resources. It’s in the Thriving Habitats section of the Long Island Sound Study website.

The COE Plan sets out to align and coordinate Communication, Outreach, and Engagement efforts of LISS staff and partners over five years. The Plan provides clear goals, actions, and metrics designed to enhance engagement among LISS’s current – and prospective – partners, enabling them to work in a more coordinated manner, better leverage their respective skills, and expand reach to individuals, organizations, and communities throughout the Sound watershed.

The fact sheet highlights a needs assessment of coastal Long Island Sound communities to better understand the environmental threats and hazards that they are most concerned about, what communities may already be doing to address these issues, and what barriers they are facing when it comes to implementing projects and taking action. The assessment was conducted by the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant Sustainable and Resilient Communities extension professionals. Download fact sheet.

A marsh migration buffer created at the Dodge Paddock preserve in Stonington is one of the types of projects that can enhance resilience to flooding and severe storms. Judy Benson / Connecticut Sea Grant

Connecticut Sea Grant is excited to share openings for three extension positions.  The positions are:

  • Extension educator—nature-based approaches to resilience. The successful candidate will work in collaboration with federal and state agencies, municipal entities, and communities, along with partner organizations, to foster and improve exchanges of knowledge to better identify the diverse needs of communities, including their response to increasing threats to coastal resources associated with climate change, and to increase the public’s understanding of changing conditions, hazards, and related impacts. See
  • Sustainable and resilient communities assistant extension educator. The successful candidate will coordinate and collaborate with the four other Extension professionals in CT and NY to efficiently and effectively achieve the goals of the LISS Sustainable and Resilient Communities five-year work plan. See
  • Long Island Sound Study outreach coordinator. The successful candidate will work to increase appreciation, stewardship, awareness, and understanding of Long Island Sound and efforts to restore and protect it. Special emphasis is on educational programs for diverse communities and stakeholders that lead to the protection and restoration of Long Island Sound’s natural resources. See

This entry originally appeared on the Connecticut Sea Grant website.

The Long Island Sound Futures Fund 2023 Request for Proposals is Now Open!

Proposal Deadline: Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The request for proposals is available on the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation website.

There will be a total of $10 million for environmental grants in the Long Island Sound watershed (CT, MA NH, NY, VT).Grant range $50k-$1.5m.  

Types of Funding: $50k-$1.5m for “shovel-ready” projects $50k-$500k for planning…watershed, resilience, feasibility, suitability/ alternatives analyses, site assessment/conceptual design, final design/permits  

Geography & Funding Priorities?  See the Interactive Sound Watershed Map

Connecticut and New York grants will be available for

  • Clean Waters and Healthy Watersheds – projects to reduce nutrient loading, combined sewer overflows, stormwater runoff, and nonpoint source loading.
  • Sustainable and Resilient Communities – projects to increase the knowledge and engagement of the public in protection and restoration of the Sound; or projects that combine resilience, community, and conservation goals
  • Thriving Habitats and Abundant Wildlife – projects to restore coastal habitats and foster fish and wildlife in the coastal boundaries of CT and NY  

Long Island Sound Watershed (non-coastal CT, MA, NH and VT) grants available for projects to prevent nutrient/nitrogen loading such as riparian, freshwater wetland & in-stream restoration, agriculture, wastewater treatment facility retrofit etc.  

Want project idea feedback?  Reach out to [email protected]

The deadline to submit project ideas is April 14, 2023. NY and CT Coastal: Reach out to a Long Island Sound Study Extension Professional MA, NH, VT & non-coastal CT: Reach out to [email protected]   Register for one of 12 Workshops or Webinars.  Check out the RFP for the list.      Grant-writing Assistance Program?  Questions?…[email protected]

More information:

Robert Burg, Long Island Sound Study, [email protected]

Paul C. Focazio, Communications Manager, NYSG, [email protected], P: (631) 632-6910
Judy Benson, Communications Coordinator, CTSG, [email protected], P: (860) 287-6426

Soundwide (March 2, 2023) – Long Island Sound water quality, salt marsh and public beach characteristics will be examined by marine and social scientists in nine research projects awarded funding by the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs (CTSG and NYSG respectively) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Long Island Sound Study (LISS) Research Grant Program.

These new projects, which seek information that can be used to improve the conditions of the estuary for humans and wildlife, are being supported by $4.2 million in federal funds. That will be supplemented with matching funds of $2.1 million, for a total research package of more than $6.3 million.

The projects will be conducted over two years beginning this spring. The results will build on the substantial body of research funded through the LISS Research Grant Program administered by CTSG and NYSG since 2008 which has contributed to improved understanding and management of this nationally recognized estuary. Cumulatively, this represents the largest research investment in the Sound, which has been designated an estuary of national significance and one of the most valuable natural resources for both states.

Team members of the Tzortziou lab collect measurements along Long Island Sound wetlands, near Wheeler Marsh, CT, as well as (Inset) optical measurements using sensor devices. (Photo/Tzortziou Bio-Optics Lab)

The four CTSG-administered projects are:

  • “Testing the effects of vegetation on saltmarsh ecology, services and restoration success: from microbial ecology and biogeochemistry to wildlife conservation,” will be led by UConn professors Christopher Elphick, Beth Lawrence and Ashley Helton, along with Blaire Steven of the CT Agricultural Experiment Station and Min Huang of the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. By creating sediment mounds of varying elevations planted with various species at different densities at Great Meadow Marsh in Stratford, the researchers seek to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of how marsh restoration efforts impact the functioning of these ecosystems and their value for wildlife.
  • “Tracking pathogen pathways and fecal bacteria patterns for public beaches suffering with poor water quality grades and closures,” will be led by UConn Professor Michael Whitney with Peter Linderoth of Save the Sound. The researchers will analyze patterns of fecal indicator bacteria in water samples from Green Harbor Beach in New London and Rocky Neck State Park in East Lyme. Because of high bacteria levels, these two public beaches are among the most frequently closed or under swim advisories in the state of Connecticut. The work will include efforts to identify bacteria pathways and public outreach about water quality issues.
  • “Assessing temperature mediation of PFAS impacts on coastal fish fitness to inform environmental management,” is being led by professors Maria Rodgers of North Carolina State University and Jessica Brand, Daniel Bolnick, Kat Milligan-McClellan and Milton Levin of UConn. The researchers will examine concentrations of PFAS (poly- and per-fluoroalkyl substances) at different water temperatures in fish populations downstream from the outfalls of public sewage treatment plants. The results will quantify how fish can be expected to respond to exposure to these “forever chemicals” in the Sound over the next five decades.
  • “Assessing the impacts of warming and planting strategy on the resilience of restored salt marshes to improve restoration efficacy,” will be led by Sarah Crosby of The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, along with A. Randall Hughes and Nicole Kollars of Northeastern University, Nicole Spiller of Harbor Watch and Earthplace, and LaTina Steele at Sacred Heart University. By enclosing sections of salt marshes within open chambers to increase interior temperatures, the researchers will assess the expected effects of warmer temperatures associated with climate change. The work will include plantings of southern-sourced marsh grass (Spartina) strains to determine impacts on future resilience, and an examination of the genetic mixing of these salt marsh strains to enhance the success of restoration efforts.

The five NYSG-administered projects are:

  • “Using geohistorical baselines to assess responses of benthic macroinvertebrate communities to the nitrogen TMDL management intervention in Long Island Sound,” is directed by Gregory Dietl of the Paleontological Research Institution.Scientists will look at the remains of mollusks buried beneath the seafloor to understand past ecological conditions in the Long Island Sound (LIS). The molluscan geohistorical record could provide location-specific information about levels of nitrogen relevant for decades-long time periods that is not available from any other source.
  • “Coupled prediction of residential fertilizer use and nitrogen loads to Long Island Sound: An integrated targeting tool for nitrogen-reduction behavior change campaigns,” is led by Robert Johnston of Clark University, along with David Dickson and Jamie Vaudrey of the University of Connecticut, David Newburn of the University of Maryland, Qian Lei-Parent of the University of Connecticut, and Haoluan Wang of the University of Miami.This project will use a survey of households to predict residential fertilizer lawn use for the coastal counties and municipalities across the LIS watershed. A model combining this information with water quality data will be used to inform prospective behavior-change campaigns to identify and prioritize the areas or types of households that would have the greatest impact on reducing nitrogen from lawn fertilizer and its impact on the Sound.
  • “Actionable satellite water-quality data products in LIS for improved management and societal benefits,” is headed by Maria Tzortziou of the City College of New York, along with Joaquim Goes of Columbia University and Melanie Abecassis of the University of Maryland College Park.Human-caused climate change as well as other anthropogenic factors can intensify harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the LIS. Observations of the entire ecosystem, over different seasons and across a range of conditions, including during extreme weather events, can be obtained from satellite data. This work will provide actionable information for water resource management, policy, and decision-making.
  • “Evaluating changes in suitable habitat and distribution of cold- and warm-adaptive fish species in a changing Long Island Sound to inform ecosystem-based management,” is led by Yong Chen of Stony Brook University, along with Kurt Gottschall of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Kim McKown, and John Maniscalco, at New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Conditions in the LIS have been shifting due to climate change, affecting water temperature, acidity, oxygen levels, and incidence of HABs. The scientists will evaluate these shifting conditions on the distributional changes of warm-adapted and cold-adapted species of fish in the Sound.
  • “Equitable access to Long Island Sound waterfront and beaches through on-demand mobility,” is led by Anil Yazici and Elizabeth Hewitt of Stony Brook University. Some communities on Long Island do not have the mobility means to use and appreciate the LIS waterfront. Project leaders are designing and piloting on-demand shuttles that will facilitate equitable public access to the LIS waterfront. The team will survey users of the shuttle service to identify changes in attitudes toward the LIS environment.

In their words: Long Island Sound Research Projects:

From Sylvain De Guise, director of CTSG: “The continued partnership between Sea Grant programs and EPA will support a nice diversity of innovative and ambitious research projects to benefit both people and ecosystems of Long Island Sound, for mutual benefits—a wise investment, in my opinion.”

From Syma Ebbin, research coordinator for CTSG: “This competition was the largest ever administered, allowing the program to support these diverse, high-quality proposals, all with the capacity to enhance Long Island Sound’s management, health and public benefits.”

From Becky Shuford, director of NYSG: “New York Sea Grant is proud to continue this long-standing partnership with Connecticut Sea Grant and the EPA Long Island Sound Study. This year was the largest research competition to date resulting in the selection of nine excellent and diverse studies that will address priorities related to historical and current water quality conditions, habitat and fisheries health and restoration, and Sound access. The results will have direct benefit to the communities, coasts, critters, and waters of the Long Island Sound Estuary.”

From Lane Smith, research coordinator for NYSG: “This cohort of new research will build on the growing legacy of impactful research that benefits the Long Island Sound and its coastal communities. This continues the fruitful partnership between Sea Grant and the EPA Long Island Sound Study that benefits the LIS ecosystem.”

From David W. Cash, EPA New England regional administrator: “The Long Island Sound estuary is an essential ecosystem that supports communities, economies, and habitats across the region. I’m pleased to say these diverse and innovative Sea Grant projects include a focus on improving the Sound’s water quality, mitigating the effects of climate change, and helping local communities receive more equitable access to the Sound.”

From Lisa F. Garcia, EPA Region 2 regional administrator: “The Long Island Sound is in the center of one of the most densely populated coastlines in the country. This investment will help Long Island Sound communities combat sources of pollution that lead to closing public beaches or contaminating local fish. It will also help communities improve efforts to restore wetland habitat and increase resiliency to climate change by understanding the effects of sea level rise and warming temperatures on valuable marsh habitats. This funding will advance ecological research and play a critical role in improving water quality and reducing pollution, providing lasting results for the wildlife and wetlands in the Sound for years to come.”

Descriptions of Long Island Sound Study research grants since 2000 with final research reports are available on the Long Island Sound Study website.

Of course, polychaetes can tolerate low dissolved oxygen levels. After all, they can live in oxygen-depleted areas in the mud and sand of the tidal flats. These marine-based worms, according to Living Treasures: The Plants and Animals of Long Island Sound, “work the sediments, bringing nutrients to the mud or sand surface layer and allowing oxygen to penetrate deeper in the mud or sand. They feed on decaying matter, alga and bacteria, and they themselves are prey for larger animals, such as crabs.” They do breathe in oxygen through their skin or gills.

Facts about Polychaetes

  • Polychaetes, or bristle worms, are marine annelids, worms that have segmented, ringlike bodies. They are related to earthworms.
  • Chaeta is derived from the Greek word chaite, meaning growth of hair or flowing locks. So polychaete means many hairs or many bristles, a reference to the bristles on the worms’ ringlike bodies.
  • According to ScienceDirect, there are more than 15,000 described species of polychaetes. Marine Animals of Southern New England and New York, a guide to animals in Long Island Sound, identifies more than 80 species in the Sound. It’s not a comprehensive list, however. The guide did not include rare species.
  • Polychaetes can tolerate levels of dissolved oxygen of 1 mg per liter of water, according to the Chesapeake Bay Program. In Long Island Sound, anoxic conditions, in which the environment has extremely little or no oxygen, begin at levels of less than 1 mg/L
  • In 1994, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection conducted research to investigate the lowest levels of dissolved oxygen that 16 common fish in Long Island Sound can tolerate. The fish that tolerated the most deoxygenated waters were butterfish with a tolerance of dissolved oxygen levels of <1.3 mg per liter of water followed by Atlantic herring with DO levels of 1.4 mg per liter.

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