Helpful Websites

Explore Long Island Sound

This website allows you to virtually experience what lies beneath the waters of Long Island Sound (LIS). It provides links to topics for discussion within the classroom and video clips that can reinforce the learning of science concepts. Note: use the Internet Explorer web browser to access features on this site. Visit website

Long Island Sound Resource Center

Users can use this resource to find oblique pictures of Connecticut’s coasts as well as learn about the geology of Long Island Sound. Visit website

CT DEEP Map Viewer

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s (CT DEEP) Map Viewer page gives access to a range of maps with environmental information for Connecticut, including the effects of sea-level rise on roads and marshes, inland fish community data, and aquaculture sites. Additionally, users can explore the Long Island Sound Blue Plan Viewer for Sound-wide information on areas in LIS that have special human and ecological importance, such as recreational fishing spots, critical habitats, and shipwrecks. Visit website

New York State Marine Education Association

NYSMEA is a New York state chapter of the National Marine Educators Association. NYSMEA holds an annual conference, periodic meetings, lectures, workshops, field trips, and boat trips. Visit their website to become a member and receive their monthly newsletter, “The Strandline”, which alerts members to upcoming activities and new postings on the website. Visit website

Southeastern New England Marine Educators

SENEME is a regional chapter of the National Marine Educators Association for Connecticut and Rhode Island. Visit their website to become a member, sign up for their newsletter, and much more! Visit website

NOAA Estuarine Educational Resources

This page serves as a searchable database of resources and educational tools for teachers to introduce estuary science into the classroom, including lesson plans, animations, and data activities. Estuaries 101 Curriculum allows students and teachers to gain an understanding of the great importance of estuaries and the intricate connections they have with the ocean and climate systems. Visit website

NOAA Ocean Service Education

NOAA’s National Ocean Service education team creates innovative products that enlighten students and educators in the areas of oceans, coasts, and charting and navigation. These include formal lesson plans and classroom ideas that emphasize hands-on activities and problem-based learning using online data resources. Visit website

The Bridge

This growing collection of marine education resources provides educators with a convenient source of accurate and useful information on global, national, and regional marine science topics, and gives researchers a contact point for educational outreach. Visit website

Ocean Conservancy

The website for the largest and oldest organization dedicated to protecting oceans has information on fish and wildlife, and threats to our oceans, including pollution, polluted runoff, and invasive species. Visit website

Nab the Aquatic Invader

This website provides hands-on lesson plans for your classroom or non-formal education programs, along with videos, CDs, education trunks, fact sheets, photos, and maps about aquatic invaders in our region. Visit website

National Wildlife Federation

Home of “Ranger Rick”; site features information about conservation and wildlife for all children’s age groups. Visit website

The Sailors for the Sea

The Sailors for the Sea provides kids environmental lesson plans (KELP) that make a clear connection to and understanding of the marine ecosystems that thrive beneath their hulls. Visit website

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