Implementation Actions and Progress

Interactive Implementation Actions Table

Implementation Actions are developed by the Long Island Sound Study work groups to carry out the strategies, objectives, and outcomes of the Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP). These actions help the Long Island Sound Study decide what projects and investments are needed. The interactive table below shows each Implementation Action under the 2020-2024 CCMP Update by CCMP theme. For more information on the federal funds spent on these actions, please see our annual work plans or visit Partnership Projects. The table reports on the implementation actions’ progress, allocated federal funding, and relationship to the 20 Ecosystem Targets.

How to Use the Table

Click on the “Filter Data Table” search button below to view implementations actions connected to a specific CCMP theme or Ecosystem Target. By having this filtering option, you can better connect actions to environmental outcomes.

Interactive Implementation Actions Table Field Descriptions
  • Implementation Action Number – The associated defining number of each implementation action number. It is the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan theme (WW, HW, SC, SM) followed by the action number.
  • CCMP Theme – The implementation action’s associated theme of the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.
  • Implementation Action Text – The text of the specific, tactical actions to measurably carry out the strategies over the next five years.
  • Implementation Action Type – The type of implementation action (discrete, ongoing).
  • Implementation Action Status – The status of the implementation action (no progress, partial progress, significant progress).
  • Total Estimated Costs – The estimated cost of each implementation action meet completion/significant progress.
  • Federal Dollars Spent – The current total of federal (EPA) dollars spent on each implementation action.
  • Ecosystem Target – The associated ecosystem target of each implementation action.
  • Implementation Action Output – The outputs of each implementation action. Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan Strategy – The associated Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan Strategy, broad, strategic actions needed to achieve an objective, of each implementation action.
Background on the CCMP Themes

The Long Island Sound Study (LISS), established in 1985 under Section 320 and 119 of the Clean Water Act, is one of the inaugural EPA National Estuary Programs. EPA, joined with Connecticut and New York, established the LISS Management Conference – a partnership of federal and state agencies, user groups, concerned organizations, and individuals dedicated to improving the health of the Sound. First developed in 1994, the LISS issued a revised Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan in 2015. The plan is organized around four major themes: 1) Clean Waters and Healthy Watersheds (WW); 2) Thriving Habitats and Abundant Wildlife (HW); 3) Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SC); and 4) Sound Science and Inclusive Management (SM). Under each theme, there are set implementation actions which have been formulated to carry out each themes’ strategies to help meet the CCMP’s objectives and outcomes. Every 5 years, the LISS updates each themes’ implementation actions to successfully progress management targets relative to current successes, challenges, and gaps. In 2020, the LISS updated the CCMP Action Plan listing 136 implementation actions covering the period 2020-2024.

Implementation Action NumberImplementation Action TextImplementation Action StatusFederal Dollars SpentEcosystem TargetDetails
WW-1 Evaluate how drivers of pollutant loads and management responses will affect current and future pollutant loads from point and nonpoint sources. Partial Progress 2,150,858.67 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity; Approved Shellfish Areas
WW-2 Continue to collaborate with municipalities, local partners and stakeholders to strategically plan for and implement capital improvements, Best Management Practices (BMPs), and improved operation and maintenance to mitigate point and nonpoint source pollution loadings, incorporating the analysis of potential future changes in loading (WW1). Significant Progress 14,460,600.47 Extent of Hypoxia, Nitrogen Loading, Water Clarity, Impervious Cover, Approved Shellfish Areas, Sediment Quality Improvement
WW-3 Expand point source and establish nonpoint source nutrient trading programs for the Long Island Sound watershed. No Progress 112,460.00 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity
WW-4 Pursue opportunities to further improve nitrogen removal, including low-cost retrofits, at WWTFs throughout the watershed but particularly in the upstream states. Partial Progress 5,639,907.50 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity
WW-5 Encourage municipalities to do sustainable asset management through their sewage collection system. Partial Progress 500,000.00 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity; Approved Shellfish Areas; Sediment Quality Improvement
WW-6 By 2024, develop a plan to meet the Ecosystem Target of having all practices and measures installed to attain the 2000 Dissolved Oxygen TMDL nitrogen allocations for stormwater and nonpoint source inputs for the entire watershed. No Progress 26,600.00 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity; Impervious Cover
WW-7 Enhance implementation of the 2000 Dissolved Oxygen TMDL, particularly for nonpoint sources. Partial Progress 2,820,404.89 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity; Impervious Cover
WW-8 Conduct studies and research to better understand the ecosystem’s response to nitrogen reductions to support an evaluation of the 2000 Dissolved Oxygen TMDL. No Progress 8,022,018.72 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity; Impervious Cover
WW-9 Improve and enforce pesticide/herbicide/fertilizer regulations and other Best Management Practices for agriculture and urban turf. Partial Progress 104,726.66 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity; Riparian Buffer Extent; Sediment Quality Improvement
WW-10 Develop a nonpoint source and stormwater tracking system tool for the Long Island Sound watershed. Partial Progress 300,000.00 Extent of Hypoxia; Nitrogen Loading; Water Clarity; Impervious Cover
Ecosystem Target
Showing 1 to 10 of 136 entries

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