Water Quality Monitoring Workshop
Proceedings of the 2015 Long Island Sound Study Water Quality Monitoring Workshop
The status of water quality monitoring panel, day 1 (July 14, 2015) at the Long Island Sound Water Quality Monitoring Workshop in the UConn Avery Point campus.

On July 14-15, 2015, the EPA Long Island Sound Study (LISS) and the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptability (CIRCA), co-hosted a workshop on water quality monitoring at the University of Connecticut’s Avery Point Campus.
Through a variety of open oral and poster sessions, panel discussions, breakoutsessions, and a keynote presentation from Ed Sherwood of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, the workshop explored a set of overarching questions intended to help guide conversation and focus discussion on the goals of the LISS program. The first day focused on monitoring, with topics such as future directions for the program, incorporation of new technologies, and application of monitoring data to management and intersystem comparison. The second day focused on ecosystem modeling, with discussion topics centered around the application of monitoring data to modeling, and next directions for the LISS program, but also modeling management scenarios (e.g., climate change, pollutant reduction), and a survey of modeling approaches from other programs.
A summary of the workshop, The Proceedings of the 2015 Long Island Sound Water Quality Workshop, is now available as a pdf download. It includes an Executive Summary, and Session Summaries for Day 1 and Day 2.
Workshop Agenda
Below is an outline of the Session topics with pdfs available as downloads by speakers and panelists who prepared slideshow presentations.
DAY 1 | Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Introduction to the Workshop – Mark Tedesco, USEPA Long Island Sound Office
Introduction to the Current LISS Monitoring Program – Jason Krumholz, NOAA
Panel Discussion: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? Status of Water Quality Monitoring in Long Island Sound – Panelists: Robin Jaxhi, IEC District-NEIWPCC, Chris Bellucci, CT DEEP (presentation prepared by Katie O’Brien-Clayton, CT DEEP), John Mullaney, USGS, Jim O’Donnell, UConn/CIRCA
Keynote Seminar: Alternatives to Oxygen Based Criteria in Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment – Edward Sherwood, Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Breakout Sessions on Monitoring Approaches
- Future Developments in Monitoring Technology – Moderators: Jim O’Donnell and Mike Twardowski, Florida Atlantic University
- Application of Monitoring Data to Management and Decision Making – Moderators: Peter Moore, MARACOOS and Paul Stacey, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
- Application of Monitoring Data to Intersystem Comparison and Synthesis – Moderators: Jim Latimer, USEPA Office of Research and Development
Reconvene and Report Out on Breakout Sessions – Facilitated by Jason Krumholz
Panel Discussion: Evaluating the Success of Monitoring Programs – Panelists: Rachel Jakuba, Buzzards Bay Coalition, Edward Sherwood, Paul Stacey, Mark Tedesco
DAY 2 | Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Recap of Day 1 and Day 2 Objectives – Jason Krumholz
Status of LISS Ecosystem Modeling Efforts – Jim O’Donnell
Panel Discussion: Application of Monitoring to Modeling – Panelists: Chris Kincaid, University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, Jim O’Donnell, Robert Wilson, Stony Brook University
Presentations on Alternative Modeling Applications
- Alternative Formulations and Modifications to SWEM – Grant McCardell, UConn
- High Resolution Biophysical Modeling of RI Embayments – Chris Kincaid
- Lessons Learned From ECOGEM Modeling in NARRAGANSETT Bay and Potential Adaptation to Long Island Sound – Mark Brush, Virginia Institute of Marine Science/Jason Krumholz/Jamie Vaudrey, UConn
- Load Based Modeling Approaches in Embayments – Holly Drinkuth, The Nature Conservancy
- Does Consideration of Global or Regional Changes (in Climate) Alter Our Prediction of Ecosystem Response to Nutrient Abatement? – Jason Grear, USEPA Office of Research and Development
Breakout Sessions on Modeling Applications
- Model Parameterization Issues/Data Availability – Moderator: Dan Codiga, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
- Modeling Management Scenarios/Climate Change – Moderator: Jim Fitzpatrick, HDR, Inc.
- Intersystem and System Comparison Using Models – Moderator: Chris Kincaid
Reconvene and Report Out on Breakout Sessions – Facilitated by Jason Krumholz
Preliminary Synthesis of Workshop Results and Next Steps – Facilitated by Mark Tedesco
The workshop was organized by the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC), and funded by an interagency agreement (DW13923994) awarded by the USEPA to NOAA in partnership with the LISS, along with contributions from CIRCA and SeaBird Coastal. The formal agenda for the workshop can be found in Appendix B of the workshop proceedings.