It seems that we just finished thanking people for providing input on the Long Island Sound Study’s proposed Habitat Restoration Strategy. Well after 12 public meetings during the first two weeks in September to solicit public input on the Long Island Sound Study’s Proposal for Phase III Actions for Hypoxia Management, it’s time to thank people again. Two hundred sixteen people attended the meetings and another 112 submitted written comments.
The heart of the proposal is a 58.5 percent reduction in nitrogen discharges to be achieved over the next 15 years. Much of the response to the proposal was positive and supportive. Concerns have been raised, as well, by some of the entities responsible for sewage treatment, particularly in regard to costs. Having attended all the meetings, I can also say that many of the questions and comments were insightful and constructive, reflecting a sophisticated knowledge about the Sound and the scientific, economic and political interests at work.
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