In early March, Long Island Sound Study received a few reports from citizens of large amounts of trash washing up on beaches along the north shore of Long Island. Some of the debris reported includes plastic containers, leaves, glass, and balloons. Trash that is floating in our marine waters, also called floatable debris, reduces the enjoyment of the Sound, can potentially pose a human health threat, is a nuisance or hazardous for boaters, and can harm wildlife. Sources of floatable debris include litter which is washed away by rain water, sewage treatment plant overflows, and illegal dumping.
If you see any dumping of pollution into Long Island Sound please report it immediately. New York residents should call the NYSDEC Stony Brook dispatch at 631-444-0250. Connecticut residents should call the DEP’s Illegal Dumping Toll Free Hotline 866-363-3867 if the trash is being dumped on land or the Coast Guard at 203-468-4401 if the debris is being dumped in the Sound.
You can also help keep Long Island Sound beaches clean by not littering, keeping storm drains clear of trash and debris (remember, storm drains empty into Long Island Sound!), securing outdoor trash cans, using reusable containers, and participating in a coastal or neighborhood cleanup (learn more at:
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