The State of Connecticut, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, in cooperation with the Long Island Sound Study and its partners, is seeking proposals for implementation of pilot monitoring of climate change indices (sentinels) at locations within the coastal area boundary of Long Island Sound (LIS) in accordance with the Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change in the Long Island Sound Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems of New York and Connecticut, Volume 1 (2011) Strategy. The purpose of this project is to collect, synthesize, and assess new, existing, and historical datasets in the context of climate change to identify trends and data gaps for one or more sentinels of climate change in LIS. The results of the project will assist with adaptive management of resources and infrastructure around LIS. The cost of the project is not to exceed $200,000 and it is anticipated that a single contract award will be made.
Visit the [intlink id=”sentinel-monitoring” type=”page”]Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change Web[/intlink] page to find links to the Request for Proposals and the Strategy.