Join Naturalist Maggie Jones and Dave Kozak of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection on June 3 from 10 a.m. to noon as they will lead a four-mile educational walk at the Barn Island Wildlife Management Area in Stonington. Barn Island, a [intlink id=”stewardship” type=”page”]Long Island Sound Stewardship[/intlink] site, is one of Connecticut’s largest and most diverse coastal conservation ares. The walk will explore some of the most studied salt marshes on the East Coast and one of the largest tracts of contiguous coastal forest in the state. Binoculars are highly recommended for wildlife viewing—Barn Island is home to 25 Federal or State endangered, threatened, or species of special concern. Meet at the small unpaved parking area opposite the ‘Marsh Viewing Area” sign located 1.4 miles after turning right onto Palmer Neck Road, before the Barn Island State Boat Launch parking area. Sponsored by the Long Island Sound Study and Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center. Heavy rain postpones to June 10, 10:00 a.m. Pre-registration is not necessary. E-mail Dave Kozak for more information.
The walk is part of Connecticut Trails Day. For more information on Connecticut Trails Day, visit the Connecticut Forest and Park Association website.
Barn Island Trail Map and Sign
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