A Queens Park Flourishes
More than 100 acres of forest, salt marsh, and grassland habitat, and a 21 acre-lake have been restored or are undergoing restoration at Alley Pond Park in Queens. The Long Island Sound Study Habitat Restoration Initiative work group, seen standing on native grasslands with salt marsh in the background, recently took a tour of the site with hosts from the New York City Parks and Recreation. The restoration projects have included removing invasive trees and vines, planting more than 2,000 new trees and shrubs, removing 7,500 cubic yards of construction debris, and restoring tidal flow to provide habitat for salt marsh grasses to grow. As part of the effort, in 2007 the Long Island Sound Futures Fund awarded a $150,000 grant to New York City to help restore 23 acres of forests and remove invasive species at the headwaters of Alley Creek, which was serving as a seed source for invasives. Alley Pond is also a Long Island Sound Stewardship area.