The Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher (LISMT) program, now in its third year in New York, is sponsored by New York Sea Grant and funded by the EPA Long Island Sound Study. The program goals are to promote the use of Long Island Sound educational resources, and to promote the interdisciplinary use of the Long Island Sound watershed and its resources in K-12 classrooms.
How to apply:
Email a 2-3 paragraph statement describing (1) why you would like to be a LIS Mentor teacher and (2) your ideas for the one-day workshop that you would like to conduct to Amy Boyajian, Long Island Sound Study Outreach Coordinator, by Monday, April 15, 2013. Please remember to include your name, phone number, email, school, and grade level that you teach.
The dates and locations for the LISMT professional development workshops will be determined by the teachers selected.
If you have any questions, please contact Amy Boyajian, Long Island Sound Study Outreach Coordinator, at or 631-632-9216.
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