Climate Change Summit


More than 150 people attended. Video highlights, including Tom Andersen’s interview with award-winning environmental reporter Andrew Revkin, is at  the Green Cities/Blue Waters blog.

Join Save the Sound, the Long Island Sound Study, and environmental grounds from around the Sound at Iona College on April 26 for the 2013 Long Island Sound Citizens Summit.

This year’s topic, Super Storm Sandy and the “New Normal,” will focus on the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy, and how it  has left many in our region wondering how to address the changing climate and its impacts on our infrastructure, policy and natural resources. Experts from local, state, and federal agencies, scientists,and legislators will be there to discuss what is being done, and what is being considered. The keynote speakerwill be Andrew Revkin, a former award-winning New York Times environmental reporter who now writes the Dot Earth blog for the Times.

The 22nd Citizens Summit will be held at the auditorium of  Iona College in New Rochelle, and is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Check back to this website for an agenda, directions, and registration information.

Visit the Summit’s Facebook page to get the agenda and find out how to register.

For further information, please contact Brittany Chamberlin Martin at [email protected].


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