LISS Launches New Climate Change Website

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The Long Island Sound Study has created a new website to help Long Island Sound residents, educators, and municipal officials learn more about climate change issues that can impact Long Island Sound.

Climate Change in Long Island Sound: A Long Island Sound Resource Guide, at, is divided into four sections:

  • What You Should Know – a primer on key concepts about climate change as well as access to web resources, including indicators of climate change in Long Island Sound.
  • Town and City Resources – a portal providing links to what communities are doing to adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse emissions, including cases studies from five Long Island Sound communities.
  • Science and Monitoring – examples of research and monitoring being conducted in Long Island Sound.
  • Educators’ Toolbox – Resources for teaching about Earth’s climate system and the changing climate, including “Science Spotlights” of local scientists conducting climate change research, and highlights of a teachers’ workshop on climate change (note: we hope to work with scientists as well as other resource managers to include more “spotlights” and other features in the future).

Besides the four themes the website’s homepage includes a “newsroom” with two climate change newsfeeds, and a list of “hot” links for more climate change information.

The project was initiated by Long Island Sound Study’s Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change program, and includes representatives from the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant Programs, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Division, Milford Laboratory, and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.