
A cleanup project in #LISound that works really well is in Oyster Bay: The Town hauls away about three to six 40-yard containers of debris at each annual spring and fall cleanup. The Town, baymen, Tow Boat US, and other boat operators scour the open waters and remote beaches for large debris. The public scours beaches and publicly accessible shorelines and use data cards from International Coastal Cleanup Day to keep track of what they find – usually cigarettes and bottle caps. Friends of the Bay and the baymen help sponsor, promote, and participate in the event. Friends of the Bay creates a master data card for the event. The Town also supplies heavy equipment to pull out the large debris. The public likes seeing the broken docks / pilings and abandoned boats get hauled away. Depending on the weather the Town gets about 250-500 people to work out of three to six central locations.

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Please #DontTrashLISound