Staff Highlight

Meet Christopher Eagler

Chris joined the Long Island Sound Study with NEIWPCC in October of 2023 as the Long Island Sound Regional Coordinator, assisting in the planning and execution of activities for LISS. He supports the implementation of the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan’s nitrogen reduction strategies, assists in providing technical support for EPA’s LIS Nitrogen Reduction Strategy, offers grant oversight and management, and helps municipalities evaluate their policies and programs for water quality funding opportunities.

Q: In your role, how do you help residents of the Long Island Sound region?

As the Long Island Sound Regional Coordinator, the overarching goal of my work is to improve water quality in the Sound. I provide technical support for multiple projects that aim to educate the public regarding their contribution to a healthy Sound, and ultimately reduce nutrients and other contaminants entering the watershed. Enhancing water quality in the Sound supports a plethora of recreational and commercial activities for its users.

Q: What drew you to work for the Long Island Sound Study partnership?

The Long Island Sound Study partnership encapsulates all my interests in marine conservation as it addresses water quality, wildlife, sustainability, community engagement, and many more topics. Being born and raised on Long Island, it is a privilege to be part of the team working to protect this invaluable resource that has provided me with joy and peace over the years.

Q: What has been your favorite project since joining last Fall?

I joined the LISS Team at a time of great change, as the 2025 Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP) Revision began just before I started. Revising this lengthy document is quite the task, but it has been an insightful experience thus far and feels rewarding as we make significant progress. This plan will guide management and funding to the LIS, and I am honored to be a team leader during the writing process.

Q: What is your favorite LIS bird and why?

My favorite bird of all time is our nation’s bird – the Bald Eagle. I have seen numerous active eagle nests on the north shore of Long Island, particularly in tall pine trees surrounding LIS embayments. I am always in awe of their size and nobility as they perch high in the canopy. Piping Plovers come in at a close second!

Q: What’s one thing people don’t know about you that they would be surprised to find out?

I am an avid surfer. Spending countless hours in the ocean has taught me a lot about myself and enhanced my connection with nature. What other hobby allows you to glide on water in the presence of whales, dolphins, seals, and countless other animals?

Q: You have to pick one – pizza or bagels?

Pizza. Nothing tops a cold cheese slice from Little Vincents!