The catalogue is available in the media center.
The new Long Island Sound Resource Catalogue for Educators and Parents enables educators and parents to find materials and resources that focus on Long Island Sound and its watershed or on other applicable lessons such as general estuarine science. Some of these resources meet Next Generation Science Standards or other science education standards. The resources listed are classified according to grade-level, type of resource, and content. It’s available in the Long Island Sound Study media center. Click the link below, scroll down and open tags to begin exploring!
Questions or comments about the catalogue? Contact Jimena Perez-Viscasillas or Robert Burg at
With funding provided by the Long Island Sound Study, CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) and CT Sea Grant participated in a joint project to compile a catalogue of available educational resources specific to Long Island Sound and applicable to grades K-12. The project involved the creation of an online questionnaire form which was announced through the CT DEEP’s Trillium newsletter, and made available to NY Sea Grant, as well as various contact lists maintained by CT Sea Grant. The entries received have been entered into one catalogue which is now available for educators and parents who wish to emphasize Long Island Sound in their lessons.
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