Nitrogen Coordination Work Group
See Events & Meetings web page for announcements of upcoming committee meetings for MC, STAC, CAC, and work groups.
The Nitrogen Coordination Work Group is an opportunity for staff from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation with support from LISS partners to coordinate ongoing nitrogen reduction efforts in the Long Island Sound Study area.
- Support TMDL implementation and ecosystem restoration.
- Understand Nonpoint source outputs and improve septic, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure so that it is more resilient to the effects of climate change.
- Assess and alleviate pathogen and nutrient sources by collaborating with local communities.
- A long-term priority to fund the development, identification, and appropriate maintenance of 9-Element Watershed Plans and other planning documents that will allow LISS to provide financial and other support for implementation activities over the longer-term.
Work Group Facilitator
Richard Friesner, PhD, NEIWPCC

The following documents will help you learn more about the strategy:
EPA Nitrogen Strategy Subtask Memos and Supporting Documents (Updated 12/20/22):
- Literature Review Memo: Summary of available information concerning potential assessment endpoints and work conducted
- Subtask A: Data summary of individual nitrogen loads for 23 embayments, the Eastern Narrows, the Western Narrows, and Western LIS (Eastern Narrows and Western Narrows combined)
- Subtask B: Data summary of regulated point source discharges to LIS
- Subtask C: Data summary of tributary loadings to LIS, specifically the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames rivers
- Subtask D: Summary of existing water quality data collected and analyzed for 23 embayments; the Eastern Narrows; the Western Narrows; the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames rivers; and other water quality monitoring stations used for the analysis (includes additional embayments and open water)
- Subtask E: Summary of the hydrodynamic analysis conducted to relate tributary loads to areas of influence and relative contributions to embayments. Also, Response to Independent Technical Review of Subtask E
- Subtasks F/G: Summary of establishing nitrogen endpoints for three Long Island Sound watershed groupings. Also, Response to Independent Technical Review and Public Comments of Subtasks F/G
- Subtask H: Translation of nitrogen target concentrations, as documented in the subtasks F and G memos, into percent reduction target for watershed loads to each embayment waterbody within Long Island Sound
- Public Expert and External Technical Review Summary: Summary report of an independent technical review for Subtask E and Subtasks F/G
- Frequently Asked Questions on Long Island Sound Watershed Permitting (Under Revision)
- Quality Assurance Project Plan for technical approach (methodology),1/11/17
- Performance Work Statement for Phase 1 contract
- Performance Work Statement for Phase 2 contract
Note: The Nitrogen Coordination Work Group replaces the Long Island Sound Total Maximum Daily Load Work Group.