Water Quality Monitoring Work Group
See Events & Meetings web page for announcements of upcoming committee meetings for MC, STAC, CAC, and work groups.
Facilitate improved collection, coordination, management, and interpretation of water quality data for the Long Island Sound Study. This will encompass both open and near-shore water quality data needs.
- Improve and coordinate data management.
- Improve UCONN’s LISICOS Telemetry.
- Track the construction of a new research vessel to replace the R/V Dempsey.
- Develop and implement a water quality monitoring strategy for nitrogen in the upper basic states (MA, VT, NH).
- Use models and/or studies to estimate contaminant and nutrient load to embayment’s and evaluate the effectiveness of remedial actions.
- Maintain and enhance the management utility of water quality monitoring of watershed nutrient loads and ecosystem responses to Long Island Sound and its embayment’s.
- Coordinate and leverage community water quality monitoring programs, enhancing the utility and application of data.
Work Group Chair
LISS Chair
James Ammerman, PhD, NEIWPCC, Long Island Sound Study