New York
Grantee: Coastal Steward Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $5,000 Matching Contributions: $14,400 Total Project Costs: $19,400 Project Area: Port Jefferson and Mount Sinai Harbors, New York
The Coastal Steward will grow its shellfish restoration project to release 250,000 spawning adult oysters into to increase overall populations of oysters in sanctuaries located in Port Jefferson and Mount Sinai Harbors.
Grantee: Wildlife Trust Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $5,000 Matching Contributions: $1,800 Total Project Costs: $6,800 Project Area: Beaches Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester Counties, New York
The Wildlife Trust will build on the Seabird Ecological Assessment Network by training 35 local citizen scientists to monitor 30 Long Island Sound beaches twice monthly for dead and injured birds; and create a network of eight veterinarians to make health assessments of mortality causes and environmental threats in order to develop management activities to address those problems.
Grantee: Alley Pond Environmental Center Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $5,000 Matching Contributions*: $4,345 Total Project Costs: $9,345 Project Area: Douglaston, New York
The Alley Pond Environmental Center will plan and conduct a National Estuaries Day – Little Neck Bay/Long Island Sound Festival involving boat tours, a beach cleanup and lessons about wetland ecosystems to raise awareness about the value of estuaries in communities.
Grantee: America Littoral Society Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $5,000 Matching Contributions To Be Determined Total Project Costs: $5,000 Project Area: Beaches Suffolk, Nassau and Westchester Counties, New York
The American Littoral Society will coordinate the 2006 International Coastal Cleanup at beaches in New York on the Long Island Sound; the data will be compiled and strategies developed for combating marine pollution and to educate the public about floatable pollution and prevention.
Grantee: Westchester County Department of Planning Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $5,000 Matching Contributions*: $2,555 Total Project Costs: $7,555 Project Area: Village of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck Harbor Island Park, New York
Westchester County Department of Planning will create and install three interpretive signs along a path as part of a salt march restoration to inform the public about the restoration.
Grantee: The Center for Marine Education and Recreation Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $5,000 Matching Contributions: $10,182 Total Project Costs: $15,182 Project Area: Oyster Bay, New York
The Center for Marine Education and Recreation will host a National Estuary Day Celebration for 218 students and adults involving Boys and Girls Clubs from Kips and Oyster Bay. This celebration will include educational, recreational and stewardship activities in Oyster Bay.
Grantee: Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $4,900 Matching Contributions*: $3,100 Total Project Costs: $8,000 Project Area: New Long, Middlesex, New Haven, Fairfield, Connecticut
The Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration will assist distressed marine mammals and sea turtles; and engage the public through 5-6 workshops to appropriate responses to strandings and public support for stewardship of the species.
Grantee: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $1,200 Matching Contributions*: $1,000 Total Project Costs: $2,200 Project Area: Connecticut Coastal Towns
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection will develop and disseminate signs and brochures in 25 towns that discuss the negative effects of feeding waterfowl, particularly Canada geese to encourage citizens not to feed the birds.
Grantee: Connecticut Fund for the Environment Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $5,000 Matching Contributions: $21,055 Total Project Costs: $26,055 Project Area: Fairfield, New Haven, Middlesex, and New London Counties
The Connecticut Fund for the Environment will coordinate 35-60 cleanups along the Connecticut shoreline. Clean up captains and volunteers will be recruited to participate in the project. Public service materials regarding pollution will be developed and distributed.
Grantee: SoundWaters Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $4,900 Matching Contributions: $12,660 Total Project Costs: $17,560 Project Area: Stamford, Connecticut
SoundWaters will develop a three-part project involving a festival, an exhibit, and a census and monitoring based upon the life cycle of the horseshoe crab to engage 6,550 regional residents and students in the ecology of Long Island Sound by introducing them to an important species in Long Island Sound waters.
Grantee: Schooner, Inc. Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $4,900 Matching Contributions: $5,000 Total Project Costs: $9,900 Project Area: New Haven, CT
Schooner Inc. is creating a mobile classroom/lab onshore and offshore to increase awareness and understanding of the Long Island Sound Watershed through hands on projects in the areas of water chemistry, sediments, microbiology and zoology reaching 15,000 people through camp, school, and community events.
Grantee: Riverfront Recapture Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $3,900 Matching Contributions*: $6,500 Total Project Costs: $10,400 Project Area: Hartford, Connecticut
Riverfront Recapture will work with 12 students to relocate existing Wisconsin Cribs in Wethersfield and White Oak Coves to trap, tag and retrap fish to see how many fish return to the Connecticut River for purposes of developing management plans
Grantee: Solar Youth Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $4,000 Matching Contributions*: $4,210 Total Project Costs: $8,210 Project Area: Wintergreen Brook, West Ridge State Park, New Haven, Connecticut
Solar Youth will implement the Westville Manor Steward Team an after-school youth environmental education program that teaches twelve 10 to 14 year olds about problems that affect their watersheds and involves the students in conservation projects.
Grantee: Friends of WFCR Long Island Sound Futures Funds: $5,000 Matching Contributions: $4,250 Total Project Costs: $9,250 Project Area: Fairfield, New Haven, Middlesex, New London Counties, Connecticut
The Friends of WFCR will produce an eight-part public radio series during the program Field Notes that highlights the Long Island Sound.