Media Center

Seafood Issues

March 16, 2010 — Should I Continue to Eat Seafood? Yes! If you select a variety of products from reputable establishments or use recreationally… Read More

Floatable Debris

March 16, 2010 — In the summer of 1988, debris washing up on Northeastern shores marred the beauty of our beaches and raised the… Read More

Nonpoint Source Pollution in Long Island Sound

March 16, 2010 — What is Nonpoint Source Pollution? Most people think of a rusty pipe spewing sewage when pollution is mentioned, but there… Read More

Wastewater Treatment

March 16, 2010 — What is Wastewater? There is no question that the natural resource most critical to our everyday activities is water. We… Read More

How Low Dissolved Oxygen Conditions Affect Marine Life In Long Island Sound

March 16, 2010 — Models The Long Island Sound Study (LISS) has developed computer models of the Sound to help understand the causes of… Read More

Sound Values

March 16, 2010 — While few people question the desirability of acting to protect and preserve Long Island Sound, serious questions arise regarding the… Read More

Impact of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Long Island Sound

March 16, 2010 — The Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) identifies low dissolved oxygen, or hypoxia, as the most serious… Read More

Alternative Strategies for Hypoxia Management

March 16, 2010 — The Long Island Sound [intlink id=management-plan]Comprehensive[/intlink] Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) identifies low dissolved oxygen, or hypoxia, as the most… Read More

Long Island Sound Fact Sheet /February 2001

March 16, 2010 — The National Estuary Program was established in 1987 by amendments to the Clean Water Act to identify, restore, and protect… Read More

Sound Health 2001 – Status and Trends in the Health of LIS

March 16, 2010 — Since the federal Clean Water Act became law in 1972, investments in water pollution control programs have led to measurable… Read More

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