LISS no longer updates information in the riparian restoration toolbox, but it may be useful as a reference or resource. Visit UConn’s Coastal Riparian Landscaping website for a recent guide on restoring riparian buffers. The website was funded by the Long Island Sound Futures Fund.
The objective of this project is to assemble existing materials that will be of use to local officials in drafting and implementing regulations to protect riparian areas. This site allows users to view, read, copy, or download documents, including: public education brochures, model regulations, scientific articles regarding riparian buffers, a glossary of terms, GIS data, etc. The materials presented here contain results of the library and web-based research and compose the River and Stream Bank Restoration Toolbox.
Riparian buffers can be a very effective means of reducing nonpoint source pollution [intlink id=574](see Glossary)[/intlink] to receiving waters in developed watersheds, similar to that of the Long Island Sound.
The intended users of this site are managers, planners, engineers, students, researchers and general public who have interest in any of the following areas:
The Bronx River Alliance Conservation Crew and volunteers in August 2007 placed coconut fiber mats planted with plugs of marsh cordgrass along the banks of the Bronx River at the site of a former concrete mixing plant, now owned by New York City. Learn more
The bank of a river or stream, or the shoreline of a lake or pond.
Vegetative areas next to rivers, streams, and lakes that naturally filter pollutants from runoff, stabilize banks, and provide habitat for wildlife.