Website Webinar

Purpose of the Website Redesign

  • Make the design appealing to a modern-day audience.

What Else?

  • Explain the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, and feature the actions by LISS and its partners to restore Long Island Sound through the CCMP.
  • Tracking the progress toward reaching CCMP goals and outcomes.
  • Provide information on what makes Long Island Sound special.
  • Provide resources (e.g., web pages, reports, newsletters, fact sheets, slide shows, videos, etc) about the health of the Sound and the management efforts to restore the Sound, These are materials that people can use for their own research or share with others.

Scope of the Website Redesign Effort

  • Work with the Web designers to develop the new design and the organization of the site.
  • Transfer and reformat about 1,000 pages, posts, slideshows, videos, and more into the new site.
  • Update old content, and add new content.
  • Learn a new WordPress content management editor (“Gutenberg”).

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