Winter Harvest

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Jang K. Kim, an Assistant Research Professor at the Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut, and Jen Savicky, an undergraduate  student at UConn,  harvest kelp at at the Thimble Island Oyster Farm off Branford on Jan. 30. Kim and Sevicky are part of a research project led by UConn Professor Charles Yarish to test whether nutrient rich seaweed such as kelp can be grown and harvested in Long Island Sound to improve water quality by extracting nitrogen, while also being available as food, biofuel, and other commercial products. Oyster Farmer Bren Smith, owner of the Thimble Island Oyster Farm, is a partner in the research. At the time of outplanting on Nov. 10, 2012, the, plants were about 1mm in size (about the size of a pinhead)

Yarish’s project has received grants from the Long Island Sound Futures Fund. Visit  nutrient bioextraction for more information.