3D Ocean Farming

Bren Smith, an oyster farmer near the Thimble Islands in Branford, recently gave a TedTalk in Bermuda describing his vertical ocean farm where he grows seaweed and shellfish. He hopes his farm will be a model to restore ecosystems, mitigate climate change, and create blue-green jobs for fishermen. Smith has worked with UConn Biologist Charles Yarish, who has received grants from the Long Island Sound Futures Fund to demonstrate  the feasibility of growing and harvesting seaweed in Long Island Sound for the purpose of improving water quality. Seaweeds, such as kelp, as well as oysters act as filters, drawing up to 50 gallons of nitrogen per day. While they need the nitrogen for nutrition to grow, too much nitrogen in coastal waters can create dead zones for fish and plants.

Bren Smith harvesting kelp
Bren Smith harvesting kelp