A Sound Eagle Project


Bennett Hawley, a freshman at Greenwich High School, is conducting a Long Island Sound public awareness campaign for his Boy Scout Eagle Project. Bennett is teaching his neighbors about how fertilizer and pesticides on lawns, if improperly used, can be carried into stormwater catch basins and contribute to hypoxia and other water quality problems in Long Island Sound. Over a two-week period, Bennett and his fellow scouts affixed 100 blue and silver medallions to catch basins that read “No Dumping-Drains to the Sound.” He also issued a news release, distributed brochures, and created an on-line educational survey. Bennett is a member of Greenwich Boy Scouts of America Troop 9.

An article about Bennett’s project, which included the above photo, appeared in the Greenwich Free Press.

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Two of Bennett’s fellow scouts helping to affix a storm drain marker. Photo courtesy of Scouts of Greenwich BSA Troop 9.

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