Miscellaneous Reports

2017 Eelgrass Survey

March 27, 2019 — The US Fish and Wildlife Service, with the University of Rhode Island,  has released a report on a 2017 survey… Read More

2017 Eelgrass Survey

August 3, 2018 — Tier 1 2017 Mapping of Zostera marina in Long Island Sound and Change Analysis Read More

2015 CCMP Implementation Tracking Report

February 2, 2018 — This report summarizes the continuing work of the LISS Management Conference partners in carrying out the CCMP. The LISS Management… Read More

Detecting Climate Change in Long Island Sound

April 12, 2016 — The adaptive management of the resources of Long Island Sound (LIS) requires on-going observations to characterize the variability and change… Read More

Nitrogen Strategy

February 8, 2016 — EPA is proposing a strategy  to aggressively continue progress on nitrogen reductions, in parallel with the States’ continued implementation of… Read More

2015 Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan

September 16, 2015 — The 2015 Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, developed by the Long Island Sound Study, establishes goals and ecosystem targets to restore and protect Long Island Sound. Read More

Long Island Sound Agreements for the 1994 CCMP

August 9, 2015 — 2011-2013 Action Agenda 2006 Long Island Sound Policy Agreements 2003 Long Island Sound Agreement 1996 Long Island Sound Agreement 1994… Read More

Low Cost Retrofits for Nitrogen Removal

May 14, 2015 — Low Cost Retrofits for Nitrogen Removal at Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) in the Upper Long Island Sound (LIS) Watershed study… Read More

A Monitoring Plan for Long Island Sound

March 6, 2015 — The monitoring plan was prepared in 1994 by the COAST Institute Marine Science Research Center for Tetratech, Inc. It was… Read More

Executive Summary of Long Island Sound: Prospects of the Urban Sea

March 21, 2014 — The Executive Summary of Long Island Sound: Prospects of the Urban Sea will provide you with an overview of key findings detailed in the book. Read More

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