Media Center

#DontTrashLISound – 1 (Summer 2018)

August 2, 2018 — Summer 2018 DontTrashLISound social media campaign begins. Read More


August 1, 2018 — "Illustration of the Month" highlights new social media campaign on protecting oceans and coastal waters from plastic trash. Read More

On to Pleasure Beach

July 24, 2018 — Visit Pleasure Beach in Bridgeport by Water Taxi. Read More

Fish Parade

June 1, 2018 — The annual Hunts Point Fish Parade in the South Bronx, which will be held this year on June 16,  starts… Read More

Sound Bytes Spring 2018

May 24, 2018 — Read the Spring 2018 issue of Sound Bytes. Download the Spring 2018 issue as a PDF here. Read More

10-Year Climate Ready Accomplishments in Long Island Sound

May 16, 2018 — The timeline highlights LISS's accomplishments in its Sentinel Monitoring and Climate Change Program from 2008-2018. Read More

Sea Grants Request Preliminary Proposals for LISS Research Grant Program

May 15, 2018 — Approximately $1,200,000 in funding is expected to be available for one or two year projects. Read More

Alewife on the Move

May 1, 2018 — Alewife gets weighed and measure before being tagged and released into Beaver Lake. Read More

New TNC Website offers Solutions for Nitrogen Pollution

April 27, 2018 — The website was created with support from the Long Island Sound Futures Fund. Read More

Bird on the Move

April 1, 2018 — An American oystercatcher at Falkner Island in eastern Connecticut during the spring migratory season. Read More

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