Maritime Aquarium Field Programs

Field experiences around Long Island Sound hosted by the Maritime Aquarium. The various field programs comply with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) by grade:

Kindergarten: L.S1-1, E.S.S2-1, E.S.S3-1
Grade 1: L.S1-1
Grade 2: L.S4-1, E.S.S2-2
Grade 3: L.S4-3
Grade 4: L.S1-1, E.S.S2-1
Grade 5: L.S2-1, E.S.S2-1
Grades 6-8: L.S2-2, L.S2-3, L.S2-4
Grades 9-12: L.S2-2, E.S.S2-5

Resource Topic(s)

Education Level

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Resource Format

This in-person resource can be accessed at The Maritime Aquarium’s website.

