The Long Island Sound Resource Catalogue for Educators and Parents

Tag: Sustainability

A Living Museum at Ocean Beach Park

Education Level(s): 3-5, 6-8, Adult

A program to to foster Education, Appreciation & Sustainability for nature. Includes self-guided brochures for children and adults featuring plants,… Read More

Long Island Sound Study Fact Sheets

Education Level(s):

We use all of the fact sheets because even though they’re incredibly dated, they provide a completely understandable story of… Read More

NRCA Teacher Professional Learning Program

Education Level(s): 9-12

Website containing unit lesson plan, support materials, and resources related to the “Land and Water” workshop for high school science… Read More

UCONN National Resources Conservation Academy

Education Level(s): 9-12

An innovative program in conservation and land use planning that connects Connecticut high school students, adult volunteers, and teachers with… Read More

Clean Waters Fact Sheet Series

Education Level(s): 6-8, 9-12, Adult, College

Series of 11 fact sheets that explain what to do about household cleaners, native landscaping, water conservation, pet waste, responsible… Read More

A Planting Guide for Riparian Sites Along the Connecticut Coast

Education Level(s): Adult

An 8-page pamphlet describing Connecticut’s coastal habitats, the functions and values of riparian buffers and how to plant a riparian… Read More

Long Island Sound in a Jar

Education Level(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

96-page illustrated compendium of educational hands-on activities for youth, demonstrating the impacts of humans on aquatic ecosystems. Read More

Health of LIS, Geology of LIS, Biology of Horseshoe Crabs

Education Level(s): 9-12

A WebQuest on the geology of Long Island Sound, the environmental health of Long Island Sound, and the biology of… Read More

Long Island Sound Stewardship Area Atlas

Education Level(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Long Island Sound Study web presentation that highlights 33 designated Stewardship Areas along the coast of the Long Island Sound… Read More

Educator’s Guide to Marine Debris/Guía del Educador sobre Desechos Marinos

Education Level(s): 6-8, 9-12, K-2

Although this curriculum guide is targeted towards marine debris in a general sense, all lessons can be applied to the… Read More